

Juris Doctor, 2004

B.A., Political Science, 2001

Activities & Affiliations

• National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attornes

• Texas Bankruptcy Bar association

Bar Admissions

• State of Texas, Northern Federal District of Texas, Eastern Federal District of Texas, Southern Federal District of Texas, Federal District of Puerto Rico, First Federal Appellate District of Boston


Omar Colon Rivera (OCR) was born in Puerto Rico in 1979. He always had a passion about rights and helping others. Because of that he decided to study Law. He graduated top of his class from Law School in 2004 and since then he has been a fierce defender of his clients rights. He has defended clients against the government and powerful companies achieving recognitions among other attorneys. OCR Legal, and attorney Omar Colón, are proud to announce that since 2005 he is considered by the bankruptcy code as a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code.

Get in touch

I know that you are in distress and I am truly sorry for the economic situation that you and your family are going through. You will probably receive various letters about your situation and different alternatives but rest assure that I am different.

It is difficult to trust someone when you're feeling hopeless. You need a professional that'll bring comfort and be trustworthy. I am that person. With over a decade of experience helping clients with their Bankruptcies, listening to them, and resolving the situations. I am a unique attorney with my own private practice. I take pride in meeting with my clients' one on one and being honest. I have worked with big law firms but they lack of what I call the "personal touch". That special treatment where you can be in touch with me, your attorney, via email, text, calls, whatever works for you.

I am Omar, my specialty is being honest, resolving problems in a long term and not just treating them. Talk to me and clear your doubts. We can schedule a meeting in my office, a coffee shop, online, you name it, because I can work around your schedule.